Our good friend of the blog Theodor Clausen, made this wonderful Christmas DJ set, jam packed with great tracks.
If you like the cosy holiday spirit, then this mixtape is your ticket there.
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We had a super day thanks to you all and especially a big thank you to all the DJs who played the coolest music.
There will come more pictures and videos from our Distortion Block Party soon.
Bless & Love
Fat Berri’s
All pictures are taken by our good friend Morten Fosselius Legarthwatch full movie Ant-Man 2015 online
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Fat Berri’s and Distortion Presents “Fat Berri’s Block Party”
Customarily we post tracks on the blog but now get to line up the Dj’s that spawn the music that we love so much. Distortion is a corner stone of Copenhagen’s summer party scene & defiantly a must on our list.
We look forward to the raging, roaring, furious, nasty, sexy…
Block Party of the year.
Lulu Rouge
The infamous Dj Duo known for their wicked distortion street sets
Tue Track
Keeping it real – From the roots of Copenhagen hip hop scene
Legend in the making – The front man behind the Copenhagen techno scene
Theodor Clausen
Rising Star – One of our funky friends contributing music to the blog
Keep updated – Attend and Share the Block Party on Facebook.
We Love party & We love Vesterbro
Please buy the “street armbånd” so that we can keep our beloved vesterbro clean.
Check our new T-Shirt & Sweatshirts and pre-order yours today. Go to the shop here.
Download the Fat Berri’s music App so you have all the great music on the go!

Last time we mentioned Theodor, he had made an excellent remix of Hess Is More’s “Call for Change“. This time he had done a more down tempo remix of new established danish pop act “ROAM” . The mood is quit dark and mellow, perfect for the “danish spring”.
The Remix just got leaked today and you can download it for free in the soundcloudplayer.
The 25th of April ROAM will host a release party in NAG Store, presenting a new single and a t-shirt designed by Jens Kold / Nag People. You can catch Theodor Clausen playing at the afterparty at Fortunen. Check the facebook event here:
ROAM is a new progressive pop group hailing from Copenhagen consisting of Luis Samson & Nicolai Gabold, produced by Oliver Kincaid. You can find more info about the band at their facebook page.
Check our new T-Shirt & Sweatshirts and pre-order yours today. Go to the shop here.
Download the Fat Berri’s music App so you have all the great music on the go!

Theodor Clausen that has blogged here with us, has made a top noch remix of Hess is More’s – ‘Call for change‘
It’s a fantastic remix and in many ways its better then the original, and we are not just saying this because Theodor is a good friend of the blog.
Give it up for Theodor and we look forward to hear more from you.
Great Job.
Hess Is More, Call for Change Feat. Nomi Ruiz – Theodor Clausen Remix
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