We have your Saturday tracks ready for you, it’s a bootleg and a edit from the “Icelandic Volcano” Brynjar.
Brynjar is a very busy man, along with his band Kúra they’re putting the finishing hand on the debut album, which we will tell you more about when the time is in for it.
Enjoy the sound of Brynjar!
Castellano, Garnica – Brynjar Bootleg
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Solead, So What – Brynjar Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).

All the tracks is also added to the musicplayer, so if yo want non stop music – Launch the player by clicking the “Launch Player” button in the top right of the blog, to get the full experience.
Try the new mobile music player for iPhones and Androids at http://m.fatberris.com

Ohl La La …. Here we have a busy man with an album on its way, with his main project Kúra. Between Studio time and Live performances, Brynjar still has time to make some bootleg’s that he is willing to share with us.
Its not only the volcano in Iceland that has errupted, but also the bootleg version of these two tracks.
Wiseguys, Ooh La La – Brynjar Bootleg
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Kúra, GóGó – Brynjar Bootleg
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Try out the mobile music player fpr iPhones and Androids check it out from you mobilebrowser at m.fatberris.com

All the tracks is also added to the player in the “Downtempo” category, so if yo want non stop chill music – Launch the player by clicking the “Launch Player” button in the top right of the blog, to get the full experience.
From smartphones visit m.fatberris.com

The first EP of three is out on the market & this calls for a celebration. Baba Black are going to mix, their friends remix and the rest of us party in our favorite spot in Copenhagen: TS Bar.
Come Join the release of ALL RED / ALL BLACK, wear what color you want and join us in celebration with a grand line up of:
- Send a mail to guest@fatberris.com
- Write “Baba Black” in the subject line
- List the full names of the people that are joining
- Be there before 01:00 if you want to get in free
- After 01:00 it’ll cost you a 50kr per head
TS Bar Studiestræde 14, Copenhagen – Saturday 07th of May – 11pm – 5 am
Here is a little teaser of what you can expect on saturday night.
These are the tracks we are celebrating, so turn the volume up and get ready for the remixes
Baba Black, All Red
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Buy on Beatport
Baba Black, All Black
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Buy on Beatport

The track is also added to the player in the “Uptempo” category, so if yo want non stop uptempo music – Launch the player by clicking the “Launch Player” button in the top right of the blog, to get the full experience.

Brynjar has just sent me some new edit’s, as we have been allowed to share with you.
Keep an eye on Brynjar and his cousin Fanney‘s project “Kúra” it will rock you here in 2011..
Zeds Dead, Rude Boy – Brynjar & Afrokid Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
TWR72, Schizophrenia – Brynjar Edit
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Music non stop!

I have previously posted the track “Rug Funk” in a Frederik Olufsen remix, this time you get it in a Brynjar Remix. Brynjar is becoming one of my favorites producers, he has a mega cool sound. Check out his Myspace for more great tunes from him
Enjoy this remix by Brynjar
Dead Wasps, Rug Funk – Brynjar Remix
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Music non stop!

Yesterday I sat and listened to a lot of good Dubstep, so thought I would share some with you today. Here you get 3 great Dubstep tracks, and more to come the next weeks.
Olive, You’re Not Alone – Dubstep Mix Polite
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
PropaTingz, Poor Man’s Style
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Booka Shade, Body Language Brynjar & MGL Bootleg
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Download here (Right Click, Save As).
Music non stop!

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